Introduction: Incidence of oncological ailments were reported especially at an early age one among them includes GCT (Giant Cell Tumour) commonly recorded at adult-hood affecting lower end of femur, upper end of tibia, and lower end of radius. This benign lesion can give rise to compression over neurovascular structures, which may result in pain, swelling and interfering with joint function while amputation for GCT was used earlier. Materials and Methods: This study where a 19 year old female with pain and difficulty in daily functional activities like walking, squatting, stair activity and also with weight loss, fatigue for more than 2 months was diagnosed with GCT of left lower medial fem-oral condyle on 23/8/2022. She was treated with curettage and filled with bone ce-ment and fixed with locking compression plate on 30/8/2022. Subject was started with immediate post operative physiotherapy and continued up to 8 weeks. Results: The outcome measures were analysed and discussed with due evidence using patient specific functional scale. Conclusion: With lesser research on onco physiotherapy, results and outcome measures of this case study gets highly informative and gets more significant, high-lighting the required role of Physiotherapy in Preventing muscle Atrophy, Joint stiff-ness, and Greater Functional Restoration. Keywords: Giant cell tumour, Benign, Neurovascular, Atrophy, Bone Cancer